Day 37- June 23nd

OK, for the first time, we really don't have anything to write about today. We just sat at home and played all day. The only activity was when Jen and Jesse came over to let the girls play and to swap some pictures on the computers.
Despite the lack of activity, we did receive news about when we are returning to the U.S., and it wasn't good. We were told that we won't be able to leave until the day after our scheduled flight. At first we didn't know the implications this might have because we hadn't checked with the airlines to see what the next available flight was. But after some quick research, we learned that the airline we came in on (Asiana Air) only goes in and out of Kazakhstan one day a week! This means that if we don't make our flight, the next flight won't be till seven days later, and we don't even know if there are still empty seats.
We are waiting to hear from the coordinator in Almaty to see what options we have, but so far the prognosis isn't good; we won't be able to arrive soon enough in Almaty to make our current flight, plus we won't get our passport in time. The biggest effect that this has on us is financially since it could cost us an additional $2,000 for room, board and fees. We are trying to be flexible, but we don't have any money left because some of the adoption fees were more than we expected when we got here.
Please keep this in your prayers. We really hope God has something in store because at this point, we're not sure we could handle the additional week, financially or emotionally. We're ready to be home so Katie can start adjusting. Thanks for praying!

We've started sleeping Katie on her stomach

It was funny today how she still had her binki in hand

Since it was so hot and humid today, we tried to cool Kaite off

Daddy worked hard getting Katie to finish her bottle...


but she was a little too preoccupied with Momma and the camera

We did manage to get a few smiles later...

especially if she was the center of attention

After a hard day of play, Katie crashed before we put her down

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